---- D&D ----


Thursday, March 10, 2005

House Rules

These are the House Rules we are using in our campaigns:
1 - Max HP at level 1 and 2

2 - For Hit Points after level 2, you may either:
a - Roll and take what you get
b - Take 75% of the Max
- If you use option B, and use a d6 or d10 for hit dice,
you may either:
i - Take and track the half hit point and ignore
it until it becomes a full hit point
ii - round up on odd levels, and down on even levels.

3 - Spellcasters gain additional 0 level spell slots based on their
governing casting attribute, i.e. a wizard with an intelligence of 16
gets +3 to the number of zero level spells (cantrips) he can cast.

4 - Use of 'Buy the Numbers' is allowed, but you may not mix it with
standard character advancement. You must either:
a - Spend XP for every ability along the way
b - Create a new custom class, using BtN rules, and then follow
those rules. You may not mix and match those two.

5 - All spellcasters have access to the Bloodcasting Feat for free.


You may exceed your daily number of spells by sacrificing your
health. Prerequisites: Must be able to cast spells.

Benefit: You may cast one more spell up to your highest known
level. This spell does not have to be prepared, but must be
among those known. Immediately after casting, you suffer
instances of Bloodboil equal to the spell level. You may use
this feat as many times a day as you like, but Bloodboil damage
is suffered each time. Death or unconsciousness do not
interfere with the spell's function, but you do suffer the
effects immediately after casting the spell.

Special: A spell caster dying from such overexertion may only be
brought back to life by a resurrection, reincarnation, or true
resurrection spell. Damage taken from Bloodboil does not heal

Spontaneous casters can use a combination of Bloodcasting and a
single lower level spell slots to cast higher level spells. For
example, a sorceror could use a second level spell slot and
suffer an instance of Bloodboil to cast a third level spell.

Example of Bloodcasting: Nelshar the sorceror wants to cast a
third level spell, but has only level one spell slots remaining.
Nelshar chooses to make use of Bloodcasting to cast the spell,
and chooses to use up a first level spell slot, to ease the
burn. Thus, Nelshar will suffer two instances of Bloodboil
immediately following spell completion. Nelshar will suffer 2d3
temporary Constitution damage and 2d3 temporary Charisma damage.

Bloodboil : Bloodboil is damage suffered by a spellcaster of
any sort making use of Blood Magic to fuel spell casting. Each
instance of Bloodburn results in 1d3 temporary damage to
Constitution and the spell caster's governing attribute. Thus,
wizards take Con and Int damage, Clerics and Druids take Con and
Wis, and Bards and Sorcerors take Con and Chr damage.

6 - The Skill Check Reroll Rules:
a - On any d20 skill check roll of 1, you may take a -10 and roll
again. You may continue doing so as many times as you like.
b - On any d20 skill check roll of 20, you may take a +10 and roll
again. You may continue doing so as many times as you like.
c - You may invoke 6a and 6b together.

7 - Healing Rolls - On any roll of healing, both he caster and the DM
make a roll, THe DM does so in secret. The recipient of the healing
chooses whether to take the casters roll, or the DMs secret roll.

8 - We used a 35 Point Character Build for new characters.

9 - Anyone may choose to trade armor class for combat bonuses, and vice
versa. This ONLY applies in melee combat, not for ranged combat.

The options:

Reckless Attack: +3 to hit, +3 damage, -6 armor class
Heedless Attack: +2 to hit, +2 damage, -4 armor class
Aggressive Attack: +1 to hit, +1 damage, -2 armor class
Normal Attack: +0 to hit, +0 damage, +0 armor class
Cautious Attack: -1 to hit, -1 damage, +1 armor class
Defensive Attack: -2 to hit, -2 damage, +2 armor class
Turtled Attack: -3 to hit, -3 damage, +3 armor class

Full Defense: You give up all of your attacks for a round to
get a +4+(num attacks) armor class bonus until your next turn.

Careful Aim: Give up all movement for the round, and make one,
and only one, ranged attack, at +1 to hit and +1 to critical
threat range. Characters with with Precise Shot can take Careful
Aim to grant +2 to hit and +2 to critical threat range.

10 - When a Critical is threatened, and confirmed, you may continue to
make confirmation rolls until you fail.

- For each successful confirmation roll, you may add the normal
damage die again, or, you may 'trade in' two confirmations for a
free attack which will immediately follow the damage dealing.

- Example 1: Adam is wielding a longsword (1d8/19-20/x2). He
rolls a 19 to hit, which is a critical threat. He then proceeds
to confirm four times in a row, before rolling a miss. Adam
could choose to do 5d8 damage, or do 3d8 damage and get a free
attack, or do 1d8 damage and get two free attacks.

- Example 2: Bill is wielding a Greataxe (1d10/20/x3). He
rolls a 20 to hit, and, unlike Adam, confirms five times. Since
Bill has an x3 critical damage rating for his weapon, he could
choose to do 7d12 damage (1d12 base+2d12 for being x3 on the
first confirm+4d12 for the extra 4 confirms), or do an extra
attack and 5d12 damage (1d12 base+2d12 for being x3 on the first
confirm+2d12 for the extra 2 confirms), or take two extra
attacks and do 3d12 damage (does a normal crit worth of damage,
having traded away all the extra damage dice for free attacks).
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